Retirement Plans

The consulting services function is designed to listen and learn about what is important to you and your business.

Mason-McBride Capital Advisors, LLC will dedicate the time to consult on issues and concerns surrounding the retirement plan and administration strategy.

We will customize a project management schedule to your specific time frame and begin the first step towards helping you integrate your retirement plan strategy into a total business solution. Our approach is to rank, in order of importance, what has the opportunity to maximize the value of the retirement plan and administration for the costs incurred and to set forth the goals, objectives and tasks associated with accomplishing what is valuable to you, not just the value added through our services.

Plan Design

Plan Design services may be as simple as purchasing “off the rack” or as complex as purchasing the fabric for a tailored suit and incorporating the following steps:

  • Identification and understanding of current plan design features and choices
  • Analysis of what you intended to design vs. your actual design and the results obtained
  • Diagnosis of the unintended consequences of your plan design
  • Assistance with solutions that, provided in the form of alternatives, aim to allow you to move your plan design into alignment with your goals

Vendor Strategies, Analysis & Benchmarking

Vendor strategies are an intriguing variable in the overall construction of a 401(k) plan. The number of feasible plan providers within a specific market will often reflect their target group demographic. Considerations are given to the Vendor’s ability to deliver:

  • Recordkeeping
  • Technology Services
  • Employee Communications
  • Compliance
  • Investment Management
  • Cost
  • Other miscellaneous items

Annual Fiduciary Review

ERISA 404(a) and 404(c) is designed to provide protection for retirement assets. ERISA 404(a) addresses fiduciary duties and 404(c) focuses on protections for plan participant investment decisions. A fiduciary under ERISA includes the Plan Sponsor, Administrator, Investment Advisor and anyone who exercises authority or control over management of the plan or its administration. An annual review of the plan and its assets by the plan sponsor is necessary to help ensure:

  1. Diversification of investment options
  2. Fund performance is in alignment with plan goals
  3. Adequate and effective communication
  4. Records are adequately maintained

Business Owner & Executive Strategies

Business owners or corporate executives often seek additional retirement vehicles that provide key individuals an opportunity to diversify their retirement assets and help reduce asset concentration. Corporations find these strategies helpful for providing performance incentives, and for assisting their master Human Resource strategy of attracting and retaining key executives.

Typically these strategies utilize a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) and are funded with a variable investment vehicle. We work with you and legal counsel to design a SERP and funding vehicle that helps target your unique objectives.

Contact us today and let us help you put together a plan.

This information is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax or legal advice.